Two yellow gears are spinning on a white background.
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Rodent Blocker Rubber Bottom Seal

Premiere Garage Door repair, maintenance, and installation service contractor. Serving Chicagoland area. 24/7 regular and Emergency any weather services. 

Rodent Block Seal

Chicago is one of the highest rodent-infested cities! Once they make your house their home, they won’t ever leave. They will find every nick and crane they can fit through including the largest opening of your house, which is your garage door.

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These rodent-proof garage door bottom seals from Chicago Garage Door will keep rats, bugs, and other damage-causing pests out of your home or commercial warehouse garage. This is the #1 product used by pest control companies for garage doors. Our bottom seals contain high-quality wool steel that block and prevent rodents and pests from getting under the garage door and entering your home. Our rodent blocker bottom seals will work on any steel and wood garage doors. You can use them on residential and commercial applications.

Benefits of this product include:

  • Rodent Blocker Bottom Seals are compatible with both steel and wood garage doors.
  • Compatible with all overhead and rolling-up garage doors.
  • Durable premium seals will prevent rodents from penetrating your home and garage.
  • Able to withstand the coldest and hottest weather conditions.
  • They can cut the loss of heat and air conditioning which will reduce your home’s energy costs.

Our friendly and knowledgeable customer service staff is here to answer any of your questions. Don't leave your garage unprotected from rodents. We also offer a professional garage door repair service in Chicagoland. If you have any questions about this product call our office at 888-501-0533.

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